online ticketing and crmonline ticketing and crm

Do You Need A Separate CRM and Ticketing Solution For Your Visitor Attraction?

We get asked this question a lot, do I need to look for an online ticketing system that comes complete with an in-built CRM (Customer Relationship Management)? The answer is no and there’s a simple reason why.

Over the years the amount of RFP’s and Ticketing Requirements Documents (TRD) that we’ve seen have a the system ‘MUST’ have a CRM is insane, we’re talking most of them. When actually what most visitor attraction managers and operators don’t realise is that the functionality they think they need from the CRM isn’t actually CRM functionality. If you partner with a decent online ticketing provider then you will have the functionality you’re looking for as standard anyway. If it doesn’t come as ‘standard’ you can simply link up your ticketing system to your CRM through something called an API integration.

There were a lot of acronyms in that last paragraph so bear with us and we’ll break down exactly what we mean.

All we’re saying is you don’t need to buy an expensive ticketing system that comes with its own in-built CRM included. The ticketing system that you invest in must work for one purpose and that is to focus on the online ticketing journey that your customers go through to buy tickets for your visitor attraction.

If you are trying to invest in a ticketing system that has complex CRM functionality as well, you might be wasting your time and your investment. Your ticketing system just need to be able to communicate with your existing CRM system so that you can instantly manage visitors and memberships, this can be done by creating a simple link between systems so that they talk to each other and share information. This link is called an API integration.

You don’t need to worry about creating that link/connection, your ticketing provider should be able to help get that set up on your behalf as part of the set-up process. Plus, you might already have a CRM system that you love and works well for you, so setting that API up will mean you don’t have to move away from it. Afterall, changing ticketing systems can be a big enough adjustment as it is, you don’t need to worry about also try to change your CRM at the same time.

For most smaller/medium attractions, managing your members and sending automated emails about offers, renewals and pre/post visit information is enough. If you have invested in a good online ticketing platform for your visitor attraction, this can be easily managed within the ticketing software itself.

It’s important that your team are focused on looking at the 360-degree view of the visitors experience and how they can continue to improve it. This might be looking at your ticketing dashboards and reports or even planning email marketing campaigns to drive secondary spend onsite. Save money and time by using a ticketing partner that takes the stress out of managing multiple systems.

To find out more about how VisiSoft can help your attraction manage visitors and create streamlined visitor journeys speak to our team today or book a demo here.

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